Looking for sex in Hamilton, Ontario?
The city of Hamilton is home to a population of almost three quarters of a million people. It is one of the southern-most cities in Canada and is only 70km from the border with the US at Niagara Falls. Being just a short drive from Toronto and Mississauga, Hamilton’s adult entertainment scene pales into comparison to that of the province’s state capital.
However, though small, Hamilton does have some treats to offer by way of sex in the city and, in this guide, we take a look at what you can find closer to home.
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Prostitution in Hamilton
Prostitution in Hamilton (as in the rest of Canada) is legal insomuch that sex can be sold but illegal to buy. Any form of organised prostitution is also illegal such as pimping, running a brothel or organising a sex-ring.
Hookers who work on the streets may not solicit clients and men who pick-up this way can be subject to a fine.
Prostitutes who fall foul of the laws in Ontario are offered an alternative to imprisonment or a fine via the province’s Streetlight Support Program; an 8-week life skills course. The program is financed by money obtained through a similar service aimed at educating johns who have been caught procuring sex services (known as a John School).
Hamilton Escorts Guide
In common with much of the Western world, the modern way of soliciting for business by prostitutes in the 21st century is done via the internet with ladies offering escort services as independent call girls or via agencies.
Some escorts offer in-call services as well as being able to attend clients in hotels.
Prices vary depending on the calibre of the escort and the method you use for arranging companionship service.
There are various escort agencies active in Hamilton, as well as a number of classified sites where escorts openly advertise their services.
Due to industry regulation, we are unable to link to these websites, or list any agencies / providers on this page.
Sex in Hamilton
The sex scene in Hamilton is quite quiet compared to other cities in Ontario and much of the reason for this is the proximity of the city to the province’s capital, Toronto. Just a 45 minute drive north of Hamilton, Toronto has a very active sex scene and you can find plenty of strip clubs, body rub centers and other adult entertainment venues.
One of the city’s body rub centers. King Sherman Sauna. Image via Flickr.
However, the short distance from Toronto does mean that escorts will travel (for a fee) and you can organise an out-call with some of the city’s finest call girls.
Until recently, the port city of Hamilton did have a couple of gentleman’s clubs but the last of these closed down in 2017. As such, there are no areas which naturally serve as pseudo-red light zones. There is a good nightlife in the city and plenty of bars, nightclubs and pubs but if you want some more adult action you will need to consider the areas and establishments listed below.
Calls to demark an official red-light area in the city have yet to be met with any legislative action but proponents of a legalised and licensed sex industry in Canada continue to lobby.
Brothels aren’t legal in Canada and you won’t find any bordellos in Hamilton. Like other Canadian cities, body rub centers (or erotic massage parlors, see below) do offer a similar (if, more discreet) service.
Swinging Clubs
Swinging is quite popular in Ontario but, once again, the proximity of the city to the larger pool of entertainment that is provided in Toronto means there are no local clubs in Hamilton.
However, with a large population, there are still ways to find local ways to play and Hamiltonians are known to advertise for play partners using classifieds as well as sites like Fetlife, Kasidie and Adult Friend Finder.
Erotic Massage Parlors
Known (and licensed as) body rub parlors, there are two salons (Garden of Eden, King Sherman Sauna) in Hamilton that provide erotic adult massage but many more independents offering services via the classifieds.
With brothels being illegal in Canada, these two premises offer the closest experience to a bordello that you are likely to get in Hamilton. Tips are paid to the hostess for additional services and do vary.
Offering up a variety of adult services and hookup ads, you can browse:
Strip Clubs
If you are looking for a glitzy gentleman’s club with all the trimmings then the best venues are undoubtedly in Toronto (or Mississauga). You can even head to the border at Niagara Falls where there are a couple of reasonable clubs (Mints Nightclub and The Sundowner)
Hamilton itself has a strip club called the Hamilton Strip, which can be found at: 92 Barton St E, Hamilton, ON L8L 2V9.
Slightly outside the city, in Burlington, you can find the Solid Gold strip club which still offers some adult entertainment.
Open daily from 6.00pm to 2.00am, the club is situated at 53 Plains Rd E, Burlington, ON L7T 2B8.
A short drive out of town, the Solid Gold Strip Club, Burlington. Image via Google Earth.
Street Prostitutes
In common with much of North America, there are no official red light zones in Hamilton but there are some street prostitutes in the city. Selling sex is not illegal but soliciting it is.
We do not recommend you use these services.
Kerb crawling is illegal and, if caught, you can face a hefty fine.
Sex Shops
There are two main sex shop chains of note in Hamilton, each having a few locations around the city. You can pick up the usual range of bedroom accessories, light bondage equipment and sex toys. In addition, most stock a range of lingerie, novelty items plus pornographic media.
Stag Shop
The Stag Shop has three locations around Hamilton:
- 58 Centennial Parkway North, ON L8E 1H6
- 980 Upper James Street, ON L9C 3A5
- 3350 Fairview St, Burlington, ON L7N 3L5
Stores are open various times but most open during the week from 10.00am to 10.00pm.
Love Shop
Love Shop has four stores around the city with some being open until 1.00am
- 260 Main Street East, ON L8X 1H7
- 8 Fennel Ave West, ON L9C 1E3
- 200 Centennial Parkway, ON L8E 4A2
- 596 Plains Road, Burlington, ON L7T 2E7
Featured image via Wikimedia.